Bonus Bites

Discover recipes, tips and activities for your family kitchen

Meet a Rad Ambassador - Crista Brown

Our Raddish Ambassadors form a community of parents who cook with their kids and are inspired to share that love with others! They believe in our mission of bringing families, friends, and kids together around the table and in the kitchen. Take a peek into the inspirational kitchens of our Rad Ambassadors to hear real-life stories and tasty tips on cooking with kids.



Name: Crista Brown

City, State:  Burleson, Texas


Q: Tell us about your family members!

My husband James and I are homeschooling our kids. We have two: Hailey, age 5 ½ and Marcus, age 3.


Q: What is your favorite Raddish recipe?

My favorite has been the Pesto Pizzettes. Hailey's favorite was the strawberry popsicles.


 Q: What is your favorite thing about cooking with your young chefs?

My daughter is fearless, and she gets frustrated when held back from doing things herself or trying new things. Needless to say, she loves that during our Raddish lesson, I sit and explain and she does the work. Except for the chopping, I let her do it all. It empowers her and helps her to take ownership over something. She even tells people at the grocery store what she most recently cooked. I love that she can do what she loves under my supervision and it turns out delicious!


Q: Tell us about a time when something funny happened in the kitchen.

Hailey wanted to make "Stone Soup," just like the book, so we followed what the people in the book did to make soup, and it was awful. Worst soup ever. Hailey said "hmmm, I guess that's what happens when you make soup from a stone!"


Q: What have you learned while cooking with kids?

Don't underestimate how much your child can do or understand!


Q: What advice would you give to others who are just starting to cook together?

Don’t cook with your kids in order to show off their skills to others. Don't even do it so they can learn how to care for themselves as adults. Do it for real help in the kitchen and do it for the memories. It will take the pressure off both you and your child and everything else will eventually follow.


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